Productive Day

I had a nice productive Sunday. With some quiet and very few interruptions, several items on my LicenseKeeper development to-do list got knocked out.

The major item I had been struggling with was how to support drag and drop from Apple Mail. After many hours of research, much experimentation, and lucking into some nice open sourced Cocoa code; LicenseKeeper can now accept drag and drop of email receipts for software purchased over the web.

I also added support for file-based licenses (ala Aquatic Prime) in addition to the traditional serial number style license.

There are a couple minor outstanding UI issues I still need to iron out and then the remaining items all revolve around application support: Auto updates, user feedback, registration/demo/beta support, etc.

Also in the works is the new LicenseKeeper icon, currently undergoing design by the uber-talented Mike Rohde.

And here’s a little teaser:

LicenseKeeper Teaser



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