LicenseKeeper Beta 0.97

The new beta of LicenseKeeper is ready. It should be available via “Check for Updates…” under the main menu.

I received several questions on whether LicenseKeeper could store Disk Images (DMG) and Zip files as attachments. LicenseKeeper can currently store any file as an attachment except for RTFD, .webloc, and .fileloc types. Support for these file types should be added in the first update after the 1.0 release, probably 1.1.

  • New: Huge speed improvements in displaying products with large file attachments.
  • New: You can now open multiple attachment windows
  • New: Each attachment window can now print its own document
  • New: Import now migrates from old library structure to new structure automatically.
  • New: Migrates from old library structure to new structure upon startup.
  • Fixed: Attachment window now shows the file Icon instead of Binary or non-displayable content.
  • Fixed: Attachment window now shows the file Icon for extra-large text files (over 10MB).
  • Changed: Database restructured to handle larger attachments




