Knapsack Tip #2: Sync your trip to iCal, iPhone, and MobileMe

This article was originally published on the TinyPlanet Software blog on January 15, 2009.

The iCal integration released as part of Knapsack 1.1 provides a simple way to get trip information to and from iCal, iPhone, iPod Touch, MobileMe (formerly .Mac), and anything else you may have synced with iCal for use while you’re traveling. Any changes you make in a synced device (iPhone, iCal, MobileMe, etc) while on your trip will be synced back when you return home and relaunch Knapsack.

To sync a trip with iCal:

  1. Select your trip from the trip list or double-click your trip to open it.
  2. Choose Sync with iCal from the Trip menu.
  3. You can now choose which iCal calendar you would like to sync with. It is recommended that you choose the New Calendar option to keep your trip on its own calendar. You can choose an existing calendar, but any items already existing on your calendar during the date range of the trip will be added to your itinerary in Knapsack.
  4. Click Sync. Now, any changes you make in Knapsack will be made in iCal and vice versa. When a trip is synced, activities on your itinerary will show up as iCal events and to do items on your checklist will show up as to do items in iCal.
  5. Once your trip is complete, it is recommended that you stop syncing with iCal to preserve your trip data. Knapsack will automatically prompt you to end syncing when you open a synced trip which has an end date in the past. You can also choose Stop iCal Sync from the Trip menu at any time.

Has this tip helped you? Have you used iCal syncing before? What other tips or tricks do you have that you’d like to share with other Knapsack users? Leave a comment here or email us directly.



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