Category: Business
Entrepreneurial Proverbs
I found this very well written list of Entrepreneurial Proverbs over on O’Reilly Radar this morning. There are some terrific tidbits of advice. I’ve read similar lists elsewhere, but this seems like one of the best I’ve seen in a while. My list of favorites: Momentum builds on itself Jump when you are more excited…
Seth Godin Speaks at Google
Seth Godin, marketer extraordinaire, shares the video of his recent “All Marketers are Liars” presentation at Google. It works better when my friends use it too. If you’ve read some of his books, most of this information has already been covered. But, this 45 minutes serves as a really good summary and reminder of the…
Picking your micro-ISV niche
Bob Walsh of Safari Software and author of Micro-ISV has a great article up on his My Micro-ISV blog mentioning some basic tips on selecting your business niche and product. His two main points: “Get off the Hype Cycle” and “Don’t write a product for programmers” both seem to be very smart things to keep…
micro-ISV Releases New CRM Product
Dimitris Giannitsaros of Rapid Signal has announced the first release of his new Customer Relationship Management product Magna CRM. Congratulations Dimitris!
Company Logo: A Designer’s Take
Mike Rohde has posted a nice detailed follow-up to my Designing a Company Logo post from yesterday. What intrigues me is how fun this process can be, particularly for clients. All of the clients who have collaborated in their own logo process have commented on how much they enjoyed it. Knowing clients get a logo…
Paul Grahm on Good and Bad Procrastination. Technorati Tags: GTD, procrastination
Company Logo
Back in November, I hired Mike Rohde of Makalu Media to design my company logo. Outer Level has been a legal corporation since 2000, but until now I have put off creating a logo. Since most of my business has historically come through consulting agencies and personal contacts, I neglected the company image. I have…
New micro-ISV Site
Bob Walsh, blogger, micro-ISV owner, and author of the recently released book Micro-ISV: From Vision to Reality has launched a new website focussed on the needs of the micro-ISV or the startup software company: My Micro-ISV. He’s promising a Question & Answers section or FAQ, interviews, and resources along with a new blog. Looks very…
Lessons Learned in 2005
CodeSnipers has up a list of 14 lessons learned in 2005 for starting and running a micro ISV. I’m still a bit new to the micro ISV side of my business, but I did learn a few things over the second half of the year: Time is your most precious and valuable resource. Money is…
Wil Shipley on CocoaRadio
CocoaRadio has an interesting interview with Wil Shipley of Delicious Monster, formerly of Omni Group. Some great stories and discussion about NeXT, WebObjects, Web Apps, CoreData, SpotLight, Memory Management, Microsoft, and the future of Delicious Library.