Category: Cocoa / Objective-C

  • Objective-C and Cocoa Articles

    Just sharing some great essays on the nitty gritty of Cocoa and Objective-C that have all popped up in the last few days. A new episode in Wil Shipley’s Pimp My Code series where he refactors a reader’s class in his own special style. Ridiculous Fish takes a look into the underpinnings and efficiencies of…

  • Xcode Secrets Uncovered?

    One of the most confusing things I’ve experienced in my short time developing software for the Mac is managing projects and their build and compile settings in Apple’s free development IDE, Xcode. Xcode is built on top of the cross-platform, open- source compiler gcc. Since gcc is a command-line tool, Xcode needs to handle all…

  • Apple: Getting Control with Subversion and Xcode

    Apple Developer Connection (ADC) has up a new article on setting up Subversion to run with Xcode. I’ve written several times about my use of Subversion with Xcode, but this is the first “official” step-by-step article I’ve seen from Apple that also includes setting up Apache 2.0 for the task. I’ll have to revisit this…

  • Debugging Cocoa Memory Management

    I’ve been trying to learn Cocoa and Objective-C on and off for about a year now. It wasn’t until the past five or six months that I’ve really been able to dedicate the time to climb the steep learning curve required. One of the big hurdles I’ve faced (and from what I’ve seen others have…

  • Xcode Productivity Tip

    Brent Simmons of NetNewsWire fame has posted his favorite Xcode tip on his site. My favorite of his tips is the use of #pragma mark to section off code in the method drop down menu.