Month: July 2007

  • LicenseKeeper 1.2 Beta 4

    Beta 4 just went out the door. More information in my email on the LicenseKeeper Beta mailing list. The official public release of LicenseKeeper 1.2 is just around the corner.

  • MicroISV Business Tips

    This morning I came across two interesting articles about running a small software business that I thought were worth sharing. Both are from authors that made appearances in my “Marketing on the Cheap” list. The first is another fine article from Daniel Jalkut, owner of Red Sweater Software and developer of MarsEdit, Black Ink, FastScripts…

  • LicenseKeeper 1.2 Beta 2

    I just posted LicenseKeeper 1.2 Beta 2 information to the beta testers’ mailing list. Check your email for more information. Thanks for all the great feedback that’s been coming in for LicenseKeeper 1.2 Beta. I’m listening.

  • OpenGL Bullfrog

    Finally had some time today to toy around with some OpenGL programming. One of the first architectural changes we’re going to tackle in Bullfrog 2 is to move all the graphics engine code to use OpenGL instead of Cocoa. I created a new Xcode project to house our experimental code while we find our way…

  • LicenseKeeper 1.2 Beta Testers Needed

    LicenseKeeper 1.2 is ready for beta testing. As mentioned in my previous post there are a bunch of new things that need to be tested. If you want a sneak peek at what’s coming or would like to get your hands dirty and participate in the software development process then sign up on the new…

  • LicenseKeeper 1.2 Development Update

    I just finished work on the last big item on my list of changes for LicenseKeeper 1.2. There are about a dozen small items to complete but they are mostly just loose ends. Hopefully, next week will consist of testing and handling the inevitable last minute items. For those of you waiting on some specific…

  • My Apple History

    The Core77 Design Blog has created a sweet chart of Apple’s history of product design. [link via Guy Kawasaki] It was fun to scan the chart and find how many Apple products I have owned or actually used: (I took the liberty to add NeXT to the list) Apple IIe (1983) – School & Friend…