MacApper Review and LicenseKeeper Giveaway

MacApper has posted a favorable review of LicenseKeeper 1.2 on their daily Mac-related blog.

To help get you guys talking and help with suggestions, I’ve partnered with MacApper to give away three free licenses to LicenseKeeper.

Bonus! Outer Level Corp. has agreed to give away three free licenses for LicenseKeeper. All you have to do to win is post a comment with new features you would like to see in the next version of the app. You have until August 14th at 9 AM EST to enter. Winners will be randomly selected and announced in one week!

Help drive the future direction of LicenseKeeper by letting me know what you need to help manage your software serial numbers and license information.







2 responses to “MacApper Review and LicenseKeeper Giveaway”

  1. Bill Beckett Avatar
    Bill Beckett

    The program installed and ran in my computer with no problems.
    I have a Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3GHz using OS X 10. 4.10.
    I use the Apple supplied Mail program, version 2.1.


    1. As I understand the operation, I enter applications one at a time. I have about 80 applications in the Applications folder (not counting what is in the Utilities folder), some of which are in their own subfolder within the Application folder and about half have serial number and/or license information requirements. Manually entering these into the program is not a task I would willingly undertake.

    I suggest that the program scan the Applications folder and subfolders and automatically list every application found
    in the Applications folder/subfolders. Note that there are some applications (eg – DiskWarrior) in my Utility folder which have License requirements. Apple system applications (eg – Mail) could be excluded from the list. Then let the user decide whether to manually delete those applications with no serial number requirements. A list of any deleted applications would have to be kept by the program, so the deleted programs would not be included in a future scan.

    Widgets and Preference Panes could be handled the same way.

    Note that Applications and Preference Panes can be either global and user specific, so both areas would have to be searched. Programs are good at doing this if they have been told to do it.

    2. I entered one application, Fission and then selected “Attach Email.” After much wheel spinning, the program came up with an email from CompUSA titled ‘Start Watching Football in HD.” You can figure out that this was not the email with the license information for Fission. There is one in the email database with that information, but the program did not find it. Serial numbers and/or license information reside is subfolder of a folder labeled OSX License info. Each application has a subfolder with all emails that pertain to that application. I figure that the search algorithm needs work.

    I entered a second application, Graphic Converter and again selected “Attach Email.” This time the program got different results and found the License information and attached a email. The email included the one with the license information in it. Unfortunately, the email was in the middle of concatenated email with about 20 other unrelated emails included. I do not know how that happened but it did. The results were repeatable.

  2. Jon Trainer Avatar

    Bill, I sent you an email directly to try and answer your questions/issues.

    In short: You can import multiple attachments, widgets, and pref panes by selecting them in Finder and draging them into LicenseKeeper. You can also select multiple items in the Import App sheet.

    For your email attaching issue, you need to select the email you want attached in Apple Mail before clicking the Attach Email. Alternatively, you can select the email(s) in Mail and then drag them straight into LicenseKeeper to attach them.

    Hope this helps.