Category: Mac
Red Sweater Software Acquires Mars Edit
Daniel Jalkut announced on his blog this morning that Red Sweater Software has acquired Mars Edit from NewsGator. Official Press Release Q&A with Brent Simmons and Daniel Jalkut I’m very much looking forward to where Daniel will take the already terrific blog authoring tool, MarsEdit.
The Road to 2.0 – Part 1: Upgrades and Pricing
Lee Falin has started a series on taking his product, Screen Mimic, to version 2.0. In this first part he describes how he determined his pricing scheme for new purchases and upgrades. He also shares a bit about his struggles with adding audio to his product. Good Stuff.
Boston Leopard Tech Talk
I’m slowly recovering this morning from the long day of excitement, passion, and learning yesterday. Apple brought the Leopard Tech Talks to Boston (Dedham actually) and with it hundreds of passionate local Mac OS X developers. I had no idea there were so many in the New England area. Until yesterday, my whole Boston area…
Doom, Quake, NeXT and Apple
John Romero (co-founder of id) has an interesting history write up about developing DOOM and Quake on NeXT computers with John Carmack. They even wrote their original level editors, DoomEd and QuakeEd in Objective-C! Back in 1993 this pre-Cocoa based application allowed them to edit the same DOOM levels simultaneously over their network: In fact,…
Automatically Index your Help Book with Xcode
A simple way to improve your workflow and minimize human error while authoring your application’s help book is to automate the indexing of your help pages. Xcode provides a simple way to add automated steps to your build process with shell scripts. The Help Indexer tool can be called with command line arguments via a…
LicenseKeeper Nearing Beta
Work on LicenseKeeper has been moving along very well this past month. This week I’ve reached the feature complete milestone. All that remains before I’m ready for the first beta test phase is writing the help book, testing, working on all the e-commerce bits (store front, demo mode, registration support code, etc.). This morning I…
Cocoa Blogs
Scott Stevenson announced a new Cocoa blogs aggregator web site: Cocoa Blogs I think this is a great idea and I can’t believe no one did this before. Scott has also been kind enough to link to my “Code Review” article, though he titled it “Learning from Other People’s Code”.
Compiling EPS files to PDF files using Xcode
Peter Hosey shares a great hint to help developers prepare for the future of resolution independence in Mac OS X.
LicenseKeeper Promo Banner
Now that the new LicenseKeeper icon is out of the bag, I thought I would whip up a new promotion banner for the front page of the Outer Level web site. Fun with Photoshop and Omni Graffle:
LicenseKeeper Preview
It’s been awhile since I last updated you on the progress of LicenseKeeper development. Things have been moving forward quite nicely. Since the last update, the LicenseKeeper icon design was finished by Mike Rohde. Working with Mike is always fun and I’m very happy with the results: Starting last week, I now have the time…