LicenseKeeper Teaser

LicenseKeeper‘s first birthday came and went on March 6, 2008 with out any mention here. So, belated happy birthday to LicenseKeeper.

I’ve been very busy working on some great features for the next release and thought that it was time for a small teaser.

Keep in mind that the look and feel will probably change as development progresses. But, it’s still fun to share with you what I’m working on.



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2 responses to “LicenseKeeper Teaser”

  1. Philip Avatar

    Hi Jon,
    I’m an extremely happy customer. I came to your web site to make a feature request and saw your teaser. Thought that this would be an appropriate place to ask… it is quite small. I would like some kind of counter at the bottom of the window on the left to give you a total item count. Also, if you could provide a way to sort your list, say by apps, plugins, pref panes, and widgets… or by date added, etc.. This would add IMHO to an already terrific app and make it all the more useful to me. Thanks,


  2. Jon Trainer Avatar

    Philip: Thanks for the suggestions. I think you’ll pleased with what’s coming in the next version.