Apple recently announced dates for WWDC 2011 which sold out in about ten hours. With help from some friends I was able to procure tickets, a nearby affordable hotel, and free flights using miles.
I’m pretty excited about this year’s World Wide Developers Conference since I missed last year due to short notice and existing plans. With all of the new things coming in Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), Apple is sure to provide tons of new information. I’m looking to be inspired as we plan for some new things coming from Outer Level.
As I was putting together my trip itinerary in Knapsack, I thought it would be fun to share it with any other developers also making the pilgrimage this year. Maybe it can save you some time when putting your plans together.
You can use File > Import Trips… to import the WWDC itinerary into Knapsack where you can customize the details for your own plans.
If you have any suggestions for activities or locations to included in the itinerary, I’d love to hear from you.