Category: General

  • Computer America Radio Show

    Craig Crossman’s Computer America Radio Show has invited me on their show for an hour-long interview. Craig’s assistant revealed that he is a Mac-head at heart and wants to chat about LicenseKeeper. I must admit, I’m pretty darn nervous. I have never been interviewed before and have never called a radio show. I was told…

  • Server Problems and Migration

    Sunday morning my web server’s hard disk failed. I’m in the process of migrating all my sites to a new server and hosting provider. Please, bear with me during this transition. Everything should be back to normal over the next couple of days.

  • Mac Pro Price Drop

    Just received an email from Apple Store Customer Support on my yet to be shipped 3.0GHz Mac Pro: To Our Valued Apple Customer: Apple is pleased to announce a price drop for the Mac Pro you recently ordered. We have automatically adjusted your order to reflect the new price. For up-to-date information on your order,…

  • 3GHz Mac Pro Benchmarks

    Macworld has benchmarks for the new 3GHz Mac Pro. It runs away with everything save running PPC only applications (Photoshop). I can’t wait to get my hands on the 3GHz Mac Pro I ordered last week:

  • Virtual PC Corruption and an Argument Against Mirrored Backups

    This morning I tried to load my trusty Virtual PC on my G5 to do a little Quickbooks work. The usual tedium of paying bills creating invoices, etc. I started Virtual PC, selected my Windows XP instance and clicked start. Oh, oh! No problem, I say. I run nightly backups so I’ll just restore my…

  • Image Leeches

    For some reason several of my sites were recently infested with image leeches. I’m not sure if it’s coincidence or not, but every one of these blood suckers were users of the MySp* (link purposely not provided) service. My first reaction was to rename the images so that their links would break. Granted this is…

  • Freeware Utility List

    In the same vein as my previous post on Free Programming Books: Ask the eConsultant: I want a Freeware Utility to … 450+ common problems solved. Found via Blue Sky on Mars

  • The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

    The Good Let the Universal Binary testing begin: The Bad The end of my trusty old Titanium PowerBook? Ah, maybe Not… The Ugly Wow! I never realized what a sad state current remote control industrial design was in.

  • Top 10: Things Keeping Me From My Micro-ISV

    1. The Day Job 8 – 10 hours a day. I earn a pretty decent hourly rate, I enjoy consulting, and I certainly need the income. But, that’s a ton of time away from working on my goals for a product-based company. This also consumes the most energy and leaves little left in the tank…

  • Waterfall Conference

    I rarely attend conferences due to budget. Most of them aren’t worth the price and are a very expensive flight from Boston. However, this year I’m quite interested in Waterfall 2006. Looks like the topics and tutorials will be well worth the cost of travel to Cascade, Illinois. Anyone else going?