Category: General

  • Procrastination

    Paul Grahm on Good and Bad Procrastination. Technorati Tags: GTD, procrastination

  • WordPress 2.0 and MarsEdit 1.1

    Posts now brought to you by WordPress 2.0 and Ranchero/NewsGator’s MarsEdit 1.1.

  • Happy New Year!

    2005 was an interesting year. I’m not going to list all the things that happened around the world that caught my eye, far too many have already published their own lists. For me, 2005 was a turning point. Is a year too big to be a point in time? I don’t know, but looking back…

  • Marketing in Forums

    Wil Shipley recently went on a rant about “Sock Puppet Marketing”. Apparently, he has a “competitor” on the Windows platform that is marketing his software in forums that discuss Delicious Library. This was one of my concerns with posting to forums and blogs with an obvious intent to marketing a product. This is essentially spam.

  • Generating Forum Noise

    Gianfranco Berardi brings up some interesting thoughts on posting in forums. At one point I realized that I really shouldn’t talk like I knew what I was saying when I didn’t really know about the topic… Which was good because I didn’t spend so much time on the forums and was able to direct my…

  • Lunch Time Recess

    It’s funny how lunch break at the day job reminds me so much of the good old days of lunch time recess back in elementary school. Every day about noon time, the same clique of guys gather to escape the confines of the office and hit the town to grab a sandwich. Every day: same…

  • Server IP Migration

    This site is currently going through a server IP address migration. There may be some outage time while DNS propagates. Please bear with me.

  • Spammers Found Me

    The spammers finally found this site. So I’ve implemented spam prevention for the comments section. If you are a logged in registered reader, there is no change. For unregistered readers, there is now a security number to enter in when commenting. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Back to Full-time Contracting

    Today is my last day before going back to full-time contract work. I’ve been off since September 15 — a full two months. When I finished up with my last client, I needed to take a break. I’ve been a full-time contract software developer for almost seven years now with no real break between projects.…

  • Friday Funny

    I saw this while checking the local Boston weather. Thought it was worth a laugh — or maybe a cry. (100% is the chance of precipitation)