Category: Products
LicenseKeeper Preview
It’s been awhile since I last updated you on the progress of LicenseKeeper development. Things have been moving forward quite nicely. Since the last update, the LicenseKeeper icon design was finished by Mike Rohde. Working with Mike is always fun and I’m very happy with the results: Starting last week, I now have the time…
Bullfrog Download Statistics
Sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve been busy, busy, busy. I promise this isn’t one of those “this is why I haven’t posted” posts. I hate those. Back on August 15 I promised an article showing the traffic and download numbers resulting from submitting Bullfrog to various shareware download sites. This sounded much easier…
Bullfrog 1.2.0 Released
Bullfrog 1.2.0 is out. I’m pretty excited about this release. There are bunch of cool new things in this version: Automatic Software Updates using Andy Matuschak’s awesome Sparkle Framework Online High Scores Pause Button Screen Shot Button Several bug fixes Download Bullfrog 1.2.0 for Free
Bullfrog Mystery Feature Revealed
In my last entry, I announced that the Bullfrog 1.2 release was delayed due to a new “critical” bug and a new super secret feature I have decided to implement for this update. The “critical” bug has been squashed and all that remains is the new mystery feature. This morning I finished up a rough…
Bullfrog Release Delayed
It’s a good thing I sat on the finished code for the Bullfrog 1.2 release scheduled for tomorrow (Sept 1). In the week that the code has been simmering, I received a bug report for a serious bug that has also lead me to think about one more piece of functionality to add — though…
Weekend Diversion
The nice thing about having several software projects going at the same time is that if you need a break from one, there is plenty of work to do on your others. LicenseKeeper development has been progressing nicely the last couple of weeks. But, this weekend I needed a break. With all the excitement of…
Spymac Review of Bullfrog
Kristie Masuda from Spymac published a nice little review of Bullfrog last Friday. Your meal is only a leap away in Bullfrog, the latest game to be featured in Spymac’s freeware Friday review. After a short five paragraph synopsis, Kristie sums it up. Bullfrog is an excellent game for all ages. Pros: Fun Free Great…
Hello-Mac (Japan) Gives Bullfrog 4 out of 5 Stars
I think this is my first actual rating: From Hello-Mac M.E.J.: (フリーウェア) ★★★★☆ 蛙の長い舌で虫を捕まえるゲームソフト。 Google Translation (Freeware) ★★★★☆ The game software which catches the insect with the tongue where the frog is long.
Apple Hot Pick: Bullfrog
Apple picked up and listed my game, Bullfrog on their site. Here are all the spots Apple lists Bullfrog as of (Aug 16, 2006): Apple Games: Kids & Learning: Featured Download Games: Featured Games Mac OS X Downloads: Hot Picks Bullfrog’s very own Apple page I didn’t even submit it to them. Can you tell…
Bullfrog Listed on
Finally, I’ve gotten around to actually submitting Bullfrog to some of the download sites. The first site I’ve submitted to is I’ve decided to spread the submissions out a bit to both make sure my server can handle the additional load and to get a feel as to which sites bring the most traffic.…