Category: Products
Productive Day
I had a nice productive Sunday. With some quiet and very few interruptions, several items on my LicenseKeeper development to-do list got knocked out. The major item I had been struggling with was how to support drag and drop from Apple Mail. After many hours of research, much experimentation, and lucking into some nice open…
Flying Blind
Last year I successfully developed and released the first version of my game, Bullfrog. Looking back, I believe the two big factors in the success of that project were creating a project plan prior to having anything more than a rough idea of what the game was about and being limited to a hard deadline…
LicenseKeeper: CoreData Remodeling
I’ve been toiling away on LicenseKeeper development, struggling with a ton of various approaches to the user interface. No matter what I tried, things just didn’t feel right. So yesterday, I ripped most of the interface out and completely reworked the CoreData model. Things are now starting to feel a bit better. This was a…
LicenseKeeper, Where Art Thou?
LicenseKeeper, where art thou? I announced the start of development for LicenseKeeper in October of last year. It’s been six months and I haven’t talked about it since. I guess I made the classic mistake of announcing a product too early. Sometimes, the hard lessons must be learned through experience. Development has been progressing since…
Bullfrog: Universal Binary Released
The new version of Bullfrog featuring Intel Mac support has been released. Changes in this update: New: Universal binary support for both PowerPC (ppc) and Intel (i386) New: graphics scoreboard New: Bullfrog Theme Song New: Improved Horsefly AI New: Improved Bee AI New: “Check for Updates” menu item New: Title Splash Screen New: Player can…
Help Wanted: Intel Mac Volunteer for Testing Universal Binary
All coding for the next Bullfrog release is done. I’ve been testing it on my two PPC machines. My primary development box, a Dual 2.0GHz G5 PowerMac and an 800MHz G4 Titanium PowerBook. What I need is someone with an Intel Mac to help make sure the Universal Binary build works on their machine. This…
Bullfrog in the News
(Originally Published on Make Mac Games) Bullfrog has received some press over the past few weeks from a couple of French websites: January 14, 2006 – Mac à l’école (Mac at School) Original French Text: Des jeux intéressants à utiliser en classe issus du concours idevgames 2005… Encore plus de choix cette année (36 logiciels),…
Announcement: Bullfrog Released
Cross Posted on Make Mac Games After a ton of work over the past month designing and programming my first Mac game, it is finally finished. All the final artwork and animation is complete. All known bugs have been fixed. The final executable binary has been packaged and zipped. Bullfrog has been officially entered into…
Announcing: Bullfrog
In case you missed it, I’ve been blogging about the development of my new game: Bullfrog over on Make Mac Games. I’m hoping to enter the game into the Original Mac Games (OMG) contest over at The contest deadline is November 28 of 2005, so I have my work cut out for me. Regardless…
Announcing: LicenseKeeperTM
Over the past year, my collection of shareware or demo-ware that I’ve downloaded and purchased off the internet has grown significantly. All these products have something in common. They send me a license key to unlock the full version of the software after payment. This license information comes to me via email and I copy…