Category: Business

  • New Pod Cast: Core Intuition

    My friends Daniel Jalkut of Red Sweater Software (Mars Edit, Black Ink, Flex Time) and Manton Reece of River Fold Software (Wii Transfer) have started a new podcast on all things related to being an Indie Mac Developer (or two guys talking about cool stuff). The first episode of Core Intuition is out and you…

  • Chris Liscio goes Indie

    My friend, Chris Liscio of SuperMegaUltraGroovy has finally joined the ranks of Mac indie developer-dom. With the success of his application, ultra sweet FuzzMeasure Pro, I’m sure he will be quite successful. Congratulations on your decision, Chris. I only wish I was an audio guy so I had an excuse to use your software.

  • How to Price Your Software

    I just recently rediscovered a couple of really great articles on pricing software. I think these two articles should be required reading for all indie developers. Eric Sink on Product Pricing Daniel Jalkut on The Price is Wrong

  • New Podcast: The Business of Mac Software

    A few days ago I mentioned The Mac Developer Network and their great lineup of podcasts. Well, Steve Scott (Scotty) has added yet another podcast to the mix: MacSB: The Business of Mac Software. The MacSB podcast focuses on the business issues of developing Mac software. The show takes an interview format where the host…

  • Merlin’s Inbox Zero

    Incase you haven’t seen this yet, Merlin Mann’s Google Tech Talk: Inbox Zero

  • MicroISV Business Tips

    This morning I came across two interesting articles about running a small software business that I thought were worth sharing. Both are from authors that made appearances in my “Marketing on the Cheap” list. The first is another fine article from Daniel Jalkut, owner of Red Sweater Software and developer of MarsEdit, Black Ink, FastScripts…

  • Marketing on the Cheap

    I finally had a couple of hours this morning to catch up on my neglected news feeds. I subscribe to several hundred focusing on a large variety of topics. This morning I found several related and informative articles on the topic of low budget marketing for the micro-isv. I thought that they might be interesting…

  • Where Cat Tales and Dog Dreams Come True

    A little off topic, but my sister also runs a small business. Pam started her company a short time ago but has had enormous success selling her high-fasion dog & cat collars, leashes, and harnesses. She is a great example of someone pursuing her passion and ignoring the naysayers to reach success. Pam left a…

  • Tips for Independent Developers

    Nick Bradbury, creator of HomeSite, TopStyle, and FeedDemon recently started publishing a series of valuable tips for independent software developers. Good stuff from someone who as been through the process successfully — more than once. [link via]

  • Guy Kawasaki Video

    Guy Kawasaki speaks on The Art of Innovation in a video published by Microsoft’s Small Business Summit. This is the first time I’ve heard Guy speak and he definitely has a great style. Very inspirational, informative and funny. [via My Micro-ISV] He’s definitely sold me a copy of one of his books.