Category: Products

  • LicenseKeeper Adds Entourage and PowerMail Support

    LicenseKeeper 1.1 has been released. You can download it here: or use “Check for Updates” under the main LicenseKeeper menu. Entourage and PowerMail users can now take advantage of easy software license management for the Mac. Import and auto-scan email for serial numbers with one click of a button. What’s New in LicenseKeeper 1.1…

  • Save 1Passwd License Cards

    There has been a ton of talk the last few days about the new 1Passwd license card. Essentially, they have taken the idea of a file-based license key to the next step. Instead of using a text-based or binary file containing a user’s license information, they are using an image file. It is similar to…

  • macCompanion Gives LicenseKeeper 4 Stars

    The macCompanion e-Magazine reviewed LicenseKeeper in their April Issue (Page 50 – the PDF index is wrong in my copy). Strenghts: A one-stop-shop for licenses and supporting documentation. Weaknesses: Does not import Emails from non Email programs. No password protection for itself. Well, not to worry. Version 1.1 is coming and it adds full…

  • LicenseKeeper makes news in Seattle

    A few weeks ago I did an interview with Craig Crossman on his nationally syndicated Computer America radio show. Well, Craig also wrote up a great review of LicenseKeeper and his article has been making the rounds. I pointed out the appearance on a few days ago. Today, the same article has appeared on…

  • TheAppleBlog: Serial Number Storage Roundup

    Josh Pigford of the TheAppleBlog: Serial Number Storage Roundup It’s a good overview of the available products in the same market space as LicenseKeeper: LicenseKeeper ($19.95) – One of the most full featured options available, this one really is the king of serial/license storage. While the interface is deceivingly simple (that’s a good thing), it…

  • Wanted: Beta Testers for LicenseKeeper 1.1

    It’s that time again. I am looking for a few volunteers to help beta test the next version of LicenseKeeper. Specifically, I’m looking for people who use either Microsoft Entourage or PowerMail. A note of caution: This is beta software. If you are uncomfortable installing software that is not production ready, please do not volunteer.…

  • Lost Registration Number for Downloadable Game?

    Jay Barnson asks “What To Do If You Lose Your Registration Number For a Downloadable Game?” We’d previously pulled almost all information and licenses (and serial numbers, etc) from her old system, but we’d missed that one. I hunted through my emails, and couldn’t find one that had a registration number or license number. Man,…

  • Red Orbit Review

    Thanks to a Google search, I just found that Craig Crossman published a great review of LicenseKeeper on his Computer Column for Red Orbit. I just recently appeared on Craig’s nationally syndicated Computer America radio show and had a great time chatting with him.

  • LicenseKeeper on the Radio

    If you missed me on Craig Crossman’s Computer America this past Friday night, you can still listen in through the show archives: LicenseKeeper on the Radio Update: Computer America has graciously allowed me to host a copy of the show and you can find my interview starting at the 27:45 mark.  

  • LicenseKeeper on Apple’s Macintosh Products Guide

    I was checking my web server traffic logs and discovered a very nice surprise this afternoon. Apple has graciously listed LicenseKeeper on the front page of their Macintosh Products Guide. Just in case Apple changes the page, here is a screen capture of the page: The page has March 14, 2007 as the listing date,…