Category: Products
Leopard Adoption reaches 80%
Tom Harrington over at Atomic Bird Software just announced that his customers are adopting Leopard at a quick pace and have passed 50% according to his Sparkle statistics. LicenseKeeper also provides software updates via Sparkle and has been collecting similar anonymous computer information. Tom was kind enough to share his reporting and graphing scripts with…
LicenseKeeper 1.3 Beta
LicenseKeeper 1.3 Beta will be released to beta testers later this week. I will be making an announcement to the mailing list soon on how to download it. If you would like to help out with testing and get an early look at what’s in the next version of LicenseKeeper, sign up on the LicenseKeeper…
MacSanta: Great Discounts on Mac Software
MacSanta is back. Every day a surprise set of featured Mac developers will offer 20% discounts on their software, using the coupon code MACSANTA07. After their featured day, all featured software will be available at a 10% discount for the rest of 2007 using the coupon code MACSANTA07TEN. LicenseKeeper is featured December 9 Today, LicenseKeeper…
LicenseKeeper: Top 10 Mac Utility for 2007
Circle Six Design names LicenseKeeper as one of their top 10 Mac Utilities in 2007. LicenseKeeper simply lets you add an application and record some metadata for it, including purchase price, links, and a license or serial number. It can attach files and emails. In fact, my favorite feature is the email scanner, which will…
LicenseKeeper and Leopard
I’ve received a ton of email asking if LicenseKeeper runs on Leopard. The answer is Yes. LicenseKeeper 1.2.4 is fully compatible with and ready for use on Apple’s newest operating system Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). Having said that, new operating systems have a tendency to change how things work under the covers. While I’ve…
Bullfrog Game Design: Dynamic Bugs
Developing software is an interesting process. There are times where I work very hard with little to show for it for several days. Then there are those days where I can knock out a ton of tasks on my “To Do” list with little effort. Usually, one state directly follows the other. I recently spent…
LicenseKeeper 1.2.4
LicenseKeeper 1.2.4 has been pushed out the door. This version takes care of some nagging issues. Use “Check for Updates” under the LicenseKeeper main menu or download the update directly: LicenseKeeper 1.2.4 Release Notes Fixed: Purchase Price formats ‘0’ incorrectly to ‘0,0’ on computers using U.S. formatting. Fixed: Email with Text as base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding was…
LicenseKeeper Quick Tip: Backup your data
Managing your software licenses and serial numbers is easy with LicenseKeeper. Your data is there for you when you need it. But, what do you do when your hard drive dies? How do you move your data to a new Mac or a fresh installation of Mac OS X? The best way to accomplish this…
Bullfrog 2 Blogging
My Bullfrog 2 development partner, Marcus Zarra has started writing for the InformIT Blogs site and has published his first post, Starting over is hard to do. Marcus plans to share his side of the Bullfrog 2 development experience. If you are following along here, you may might want to head on over and follow…
Bullfrog 2 Teaser Screencast
Marcus and I have been working hard on Bullfrog 2. There are many technical hurdles we’ve been navigating through, but it’s been fun so far. We promised to keep you up to date with progress and discuss the technical challenges we’ve encountered. So far the challenges have been all due to our lack of experience…