Category: Products
$ svn commit
Transmitting file data …….. Committed revision 460. Inching ever closer to release.
LicenseKeeper 0.92 Beta Now Available
Happy Friday, A new release of the LicenseKeeper Beta (0.92) is now available. There are many new things this time around: New: Optionally sends Growl Notifications if it is installed and running New:Growl preference in preferences window New: Copy key (serial number) to clipboard toolbar button New: Copy Key menu item New: Special Case Email…
LicenseKeeper Beta 0.91 Released
Originally promised for Monday morning, but the Leopard Tech Talks pushed this back a bit. Sorry, bad planning on my part. LicenseKeeper 0.91 is out the door and should show up the next time you start the application, if you have opted in to the Check for updates feature. There are a bunch of new…
Development Update
I’ve been pounding away on the keyboard fixing bugs, changing the way some features work, and even adding some cool new things to LicenseKeeper over the past few days. I’ve received some fantastic feedback over the last couple of days through the private beta. Thanks to everyone who is helping out. There are a couple…
LicenseKeeper Closed Beta
LicenseKeeper is ready for a closed beta cycle. If you are interested in participating, are able to provide detailed bug reports, and willing to spend a bit of time and effort; please sign up by sending an email to Beta Closed or sign up on the LicenseKeeper Mailing List. As thanks, you’ll get a prestigious…
Bullfrog listed on
I was contacted this morning via email that Bullfrog has been picked up by the editorial staff and listed in their Mac Action Games category. Pretty Cool!
LicenseKeeper User Interface Refinements
Over the last few days, as I’ve been working on the help pages. for LicenseKeeper, I’ve also taken the time to add a few minor refinements to the user interface. The changes are primarily focused on the new status bar. One of the things I was unhappy about was how hard it was to use…
LicenseKeeper Nearing Beta
Work on LicenseKeeper has been moving along very well this past month. This week I’ve reached the feature complete milestone. All that remains before I’m ready for the first beta test phase is writing the help book, testing, working on all the e-commerce bits (store front, demo mode, registration support code, etc.). This morning I…
I love the smell of deleted code in the morning.
Kilgore: Smell that? You smell that? Lance: What? Kilgore: Deleted code, son. Nothing in the world smells like that. Kilgore: I love the smell of deleted code in the morning. Ah, the joys of a good re-factoring session that leads to deleting tons of code that is no longer needed. The code is now leaner,…
LicenseKeeper Promo Banner
Now that the new LicenseKeeper icon is out of the bag, I thought I would whip up a new promotion banner for the front page of the Outer Level web site. Fun with Photoshop and Omni Graffle: