Category: Cocoa / Objective-C

  • Bullfrog 2 Teaser Screencast

    Marcus and I have been working hard on Bullfrog 2. There are many technical hurdles we’ve been navigating through, but it’s been fun so far. We promised to keep you up to date with progress and discuss the technical challenges we’ve encountered. So far the challenges have been all due to our lack of experience…

  • Acorn from Flying Meat

    From Gus Mueller, developer of Voodoo Pad, comes a new bitmap image editor to the Mac market. Acorn is a sleek, light-weight, and affordable image editor built with modern Mac OS X in mind. Over the past few weeks I’ve been lucky enough to use Acorn through the beta testing period and it’s a very…

  • Bullfrog 2 Update

    I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last Bullfrog 2 post. Unfortunately, development has gone a bit slower than originally anticipated due to work on other projects. Leopard Over the past few days I’ve been moving code from the old Bullfrog game engine to a new Xcode 3 project for full-bore development to…

  • OpenGL Bullfrog

    Finally had some time today to toy around with some OpenGL programming. One of the first architectural changes we’re going to tackle in Bullfrog 2 is to move all the graphics engine code to use OpenGL instead of Cocoa. I created a new Xcode project to house our experimental code while we find our way…

  • Parsing Email Date Formats

    I’ve been busily working towards the release of LicenseKeeper 1.2 over the past week. This morning I attacked a minor issue where some email received dates weren’t being parsed correctly. After some investigation, it turns out that is was just a matter of handling an additional string to date conversion format. The problem and solution…

  • Cocoa Cheerleaders

    When starting out as a Cocoa developer or switching from another platform, sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to find information about your new chosen toolset. There are some good resources around the net, but finding them can be challenging if you don’t know what to look for. David Masters brings us a new…

  • Debugging Cocoa

    Thought I would share my growing list of handy tools and techniques for debugging Cocoa applications on the Mac. If you have any to add, share the love in a comment. Debugging Memory Issues Tracking down memory leaks with ObjectAlloc Debug Retain Counts Leak Detection Debug Autorelease Debugging Crash Reports Debugging Crash Logs with OTX…

  • CocoaCast Interview

    Daniel Jalkut and I took part in an informal discussion with Russ from the CocoaCast about our thoughts on Leopard, learning Cocoa, and ideas for the upcoming CocoaCast group project. It was a ton of fun and Russ shared some really interesting beer to keep us from getting thirsty and to help us loosen up…

  • Handle Core Data Model Changes

    In last night’s Boston CocoaHeads meeting, we had an interesting discussion of the pros and cons of Apple’s Core Data persistence framework. It was interesting to hear about how people are using this great technology. One of the biggest concerns that came up with using Core Data is how to handle changes to your Managed…

  • Ironcoder V Winners

    Ironcoder V has announced their winner and “notable” entries. Congratulations to Ben Gottleib and his “WikiPath” Wikipedia screensaver.